The oldest kitchen knife in Japan is from the Nara period (710-1192) and is stored in Shosoin.
Since kitchen knives are sharpened and used, they will decrease.
Currently, there are few remaining (there are various theories).
(Reference: Fuji Cutlery Corporation)
新潟県三条市=にいがたけん さんじょうし=Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture
新潟県燕市=にいがたけん つばめし=Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture
岐阜県関市=ぎふけん せきし=Seki-shi, Gifu Prefecture
福井県越前市=ふくいけん えちぜんし=Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture
大阪府堺市=おおさか さかいし=Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture
兵庫県三木市=ひょうごけん みきし=Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture
島根県安来市=しまねけん やすぎし=Yasugishi, Shimane Prefecture
高知県香美市=こうちけん かみし=Kami City Kochi Prefecture
Many products are designated as traditional crafts.
(Reference: All about Kaijirushi knives)
In a word, the sharpness of kitchen knives is popular.
It can be said that it is a Japanese technique inherited from the sword culture of Samurai.
刺身包丁=さしみぼうちょう=SASHIMI BOUCHOU
This knife is specially designed for cutting sashimi.
Sashimi knife = SASHIMI BOUCHOU.
Another name is "YANAGIBABOUCHOU".
Japanese kitchen knives are called "Wa boucho". Here we introduce "Wa boucho".
薄刃包丁=うすばぼうちょう=USUBA BOUCHOU
出刃包丁=でばぼうちょう=DEBA BOUCHOU
菜切包丁=なきりぼうちょう=NAKIRI BOUCHOU
刺身包丁=さしみぼうちょう=SASHIMI BOUCHOU
This is a common knife. There are others that can be described in more detail.
刺身包丁=さしみぼうちょう=SHASHIMI BOUCHOU
別の名前は柳葉包丁=やなぎばぼうちょう=YANAGIBA BOUCHOU
▶左から二番目=Second from left.
菜切包丁=なきりぼうちょう=NAKIRI BOUCOU
▶左から三番目=Third from left.
薄刃包丁=うすばぼうちょう=USUBA BOUCHOU
出刃包丁=でばぼうちょう=DEBA BOUCHOU
We hope that through Japanese kitchen knives, you will deepen your understanding of Japan.
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