日本の情報・日本文化・Real Japanをお届けするにほんあいBLOGです。
にほんあいサイト内関連記事|日本情報 絶滅の危機に瀕した言語1 八丈語|日本観光1 東京都八丈島|にほんあい入門テス・無料 八丈語検定 初級|
Written in English.
This is Nihon Ai BLOG, bringing you information about Japan, Japanese culture and Real Japan.
The topic of this issue is "Arigato (Thank you) in Hachijo Language.
According to a researcher of the Hachijo dialect, "Arigato (thank you)" is said to be "Okage-sama (thanks)" in the Hachijo dialect.
Hachijo-cho Hachijojima, Tokyo is an island with a unique island culture despite being in Tokyo.
In Hachijo-cho, cars have the coveted "Shinagawa license plates.
In the search results of the "Japan Information Site Nihon-Ai/Nihon-i" operated by Nanami International Inc.
It was "How do you say thank you in Hachijo language? was one of the top results, so we published it.
「"Okage-sama (thanks)" for reading to the end.
Related articles in the site|Japanese Language and Japanese Dialects in Danger of Extinction 1- Hachijo Language|Japan Tourism 1- Hachijo-cho, Tokyo|